Client News
Showing those we love how much we care about them has taken on even greater importance during this pandemic. These times have taught us to truly treasure special moments and nowhere is more special Sandton Central to celebrate Valentine’s day.

8 February 2021

Client News
Are you looking for an enjoyable and safe day out this summer? Sandton Central has a wonderful line-up of activities to help you wind away the long summer days and warm starry nights.

18 December 2020

Client News
A public survey conducted by Sandton Central Management District reveals that most people are eager to shop, dine, and be entertained, and have planned staycations for the festive season.

10 December 2020

Client News
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), the largest stock exchange in Africa, celebrates two decades in Sandton Central this year. In 2000, the JSE relocated from 17 Diagonal Street in Johannesburg CBD to its current home at One Exchange Square on the corner of Gwen Lane ...

9 November 2020

Client News
Thursday, 1 October 2020 - Sandton Central’s new closed-circuit television (CCTV) system officially launches on 1 August 2020.

1 October 2020

Client News
Is the rise in work-from-home the death of the office as we know it? "Absolutely not," says Barry van Wyk, seasoned commercial property specialist and Sandton Central Management District (SCMD) Marketing Committee Chairperson.

21 September 2020

Client News
If you go to any public space– the space that is all around us where we commute, run errands, and meet friends, family and others - the new social distancing measures may make you feel like you’ve become part of some strange social experiment.

25 June 2020

Client News
The empty streets of Africa’s normally bustling financial capital, Sandton Central, are frequently featured among the most striking images of South Africa’s hard lockdown.

11 May 2020